
Highlighting the magic behind people, places, science, and art.

Henry & Sally Playing Cards

Henry & Sally Playing Cards

Produced by Art of Play in collaboration with world-famous Danish microbrewery, Mikkeller along with art director Keith Shore. The hop-sniffing, long-nosed lovers Henry & Sally have adorned Mik...

Flying Dog II by Ralph Steadman

Flying Dog II by Ralph Steadman

We're back with an all-new edition of Flying Dog playing cards featuring artwork by Ralph Steadman.

Our Founders on Forbes

Our Founders on Forbes

Our founders Dan and Dave Buck were featured on Forbes today in a section on entrepreneurship. If you're interested in learning more about us, or perhaps you're thinking of starting your own busine...

Show & Tell with Atlas Obscura

Show & Tell with Atlas Obscura

In this episode of Atlas Obscura's Show & Tell, host Dylan Thuras speaks with Art of Play's co-founder, Dan Buck, about a wonder emporium of cards, illusions, magic tricks, and puzzles in San D...


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FLUX Playing Cards

FLUX Playing Cards

FLUX is a high-concept deck of playing cards designed for cardistry by Lotusinhand, and explores the boundary between static and motion. It is the first deck ever designed for cardistry to incorpor...

How Toys and Origami can Transform Design

How Toys and Origami can Transform Design

Chuck Hoberman's eponymous sphere is one of the best-loved toys of the last quarter century. But it's only one example of his incredible work in transformable design.

The Gold Standard: From Currency to Playing Cards

The Gold Standard: From Currency to Playing Cards

STANDARDS tells the story of the British Gold Standard through a satirical expression of the British Monarchy between 1819 and 1871 when their currency was backed by gold.

STORY: Levitating Clock

STORY: Levitating Clock

The world’s first levitating timepiece, Story consists of a magnetically levitating sphere that orbits around a wooden base telling the time. An intricate dance of magnetic magic guides the chrome ...

A Puzzling Adventure Through Europe

A Puzzling Adventure Through Europe

Recently, we returned from a week-long excursion through Europe. Our first stop was Nuremberg, Germany, where we attended the world's largest toy fair, Spielwarenmesse.

The Harmony Collection Playing Cards

The Harmony Collection Playing Cards

Four decks. One mission. Our future depends on it. With every deck sold, Art of Play will plant one tree. By doing this, we believe we can make a difference not only by reforesting our planet, but ...