
Highlighting the magic behind people, places, science, and art.

Why do we play?

Why do we Play? We begin with inspiration. The word ‘inspire’ comes from a Latin word that means to breathe, so we might say from the moment we were born, we were inspired. Then by engaging with ou...

Three Virtues for Practicing Dads (and Reconnecting with Play)

It often feels like raising a happy, healthy child requires superhuman abilities, and that's because it actually does. I would consider being a dad the second hardest job in the world—I'm not sure ...

Celebrating Teachers

Teacher Appreciation Week is a national holiday celebrated in the United States and offers a time to recognize and acknowledge the inspiring commitment of teachers worldwide. As I reflect on the te...

The Power of Play

Play is the antidote to boredom. Here are 5 benefits of play we've found most equanimous.


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Aiming Blind

One of our dreams is to produce a docuseries highlighting the magic we see in people and places. Yesterday, production began on our first profile featuring the kinetic artist and engineer Martin Sm...