The Harmonograph Art of Ivan Moscovich

The Harmonograph Art of Ivan Moscovich

Art of Play is proud to sponsor the opening reception for the Harmonograph Art of Ivan Moscovich at the National Museum of Mathematics in New York City. Join us on Thursday, October 21st to gaze in wide wonder at more than 30 intricate and colorful drawings that have never been displayed anywhere else in the world.

The event is free if you register in advance: To register, visit

Ivan Moscovich patented his Harmonograph device in 1967 and soon after, his revolutionary approach to drawing was featured at the Institute of Contemporary Arts in London. A ground-breaking visual artist, inventor and author, his work attracted the attention of creative luminaries such as M.C. Escher and Frank Oppenheimer. Moscovich holds over 100 patents for toys and games and his best-selling puzzle books have been translated into a dozen languages. He is a survivor of the Holocaust and the founder of Israel's Museum of Science and Technology in Tel Aviv. Ivan is currently 95 years old and still creating new works.


Our team had the pleasure of meeting Ivan several years ago at a Toy Show in Germany and together have been collaborating on a deck of playing cards that will be released very soon.

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