Solar System Garland

Sale price$100.00

A playful and decorative interpretation of the solar system made from all natural fabrics.

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Solar System Garland

This playful fabric garland stretches over ten feet long and covers more than 2,796,170,365 miles.

Twelve different cosmic bodies are depicted in the same order they exist in space: the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, the asteroid belt, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and everyone's favorite dwarf planet, Pluto. An icy comet studded with beads and trailing gold silk tassels concludes the procession.

The Solar System Garland is made from 100% organic cotton strung on silk cord. A stellar decoration for any child's bedroom, displayed over a doorway, or even draped around your Christmas tree. Designed in Brooklyn, handmade by craft partners in India.


Haptic Lab


10 feet, 6 Inches

  • Cotton


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