Best Wine Key

Sale price$98.00

Crafted with sommelier André Hueston Mack, the Best Wine Key is a sturdy, precise tool that turns cork removal into a smooth, satisfying ritual for any bottle.

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Best Wine Key

Designed in collaboration with sommelier André Hueston Mack, the Best Wine Key is more than a hunk of articulated steel with a boastful name. It’s the final answer to a longstanding question: how do I get this wine out of this bottle? There have been attempts to answer this query, and while there remain some adequate methods for addressing the issue, we really think we knocked it out of the park here.

The Best Wine Key boasts a substantial presence in the user’s hand, a tactile reminder of its oenological authority. Its foil knife is precisely angled to keep the serrated blade on task as it makes its rounds, and the ratcheted swingarm mechanism transforms the once tedious chore of cork extraction into a smooth, satisfying ritual. Even with near infinite combinations of bottles, caps, corks, and casks to explore, nothing pairs with all of them better than The Best.


André Hueston Mack




4.6 x 1.5 x 0.6 inches

  • Metal


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